The Makers District, consisting of the RDM Rotterdam and Merwe-Vierhavens (M4H) areas, is perfect for this, where young companies can grow into large established companies.
Large companies can experiment here with new products or processes. New technologies are designed, tested and applied. These new technologies are based on digitization, robotization, additive manufacturing, and on the application of new, sustainable energy and materials. This makes the Makers District a testing ground and showcase for the circular economy.
The added value of the Makers District is not only in the physical space, but also in a business climate that stimulates and strengthens collaboration and entrepreneurship. Cooperation with knowledge and educational institutions in the region is crucial. Young people are introduced to the technologies of the future here.
The Makers District is committed to a further connection between M4H and RDM. The aim is to create a community of successful and innovative entrepreneurs, integrated into the wider regional innovation ecosystem of companies, knowledge institutions and funding sources.
Source: Rotterdam Makers District