Mapping of current ports status in relation to circular economy
This report resumes the objectives, methodology and results of Task 1.1 – Mapping of ports of the LOOP-Ports – Circular Economy Network of Ports, a project funded by EIT SGA 2018, as part of Work Package 1: Mapping of Current Ports Status in Relation to Circular Economy. This task was mainly focused on the development and analysis of a database including most relevant ports from the European Union (EU) regarding Circular Economy (CE), together with a set of variables for their characterization. The main objective of this task, as a first step in the project, was to select ports and variables of relevance, to analyze this information and to publish the results in the project’s webpage.
A total of 480 ports were included in the database, considering all Core and Comprehensive ports from the Trans-European Transport (TEN-T), other ports of relevance with more than 1 million passengers per year or handling more than 1 million GT (Gross Tonnage) and ports with more than 100 fishing vessels registered. A total of 45 variables (grouped into 7 main subject areas) were selected and characterized for each port. After accomplishing a quality check of the full database, the results were uploaded in the project’s webpage, where they can be interactively consulted.
This report provides a summary of the analysis carried out at the beginning of the project in order to provide a broad picture of European ports, trying to connect the information of the database to port’s suitability to implement CE initiatives.
Source: LOOP-Ports project