Circular Port2Port Platform – Draft Work Program

Year 2020 (September)
Author(s) Architecture Workroom Brussels (AWB)

This report ‘Circular Port2Port Draft Program’ is part of a series of publications in the context of the track ‘Delta Atelier/Circular (City) Ports

This document presents a first draft of the work program to set up the Circular Port2Port Platform, a peer-to-peer learning environment to strategise upon the transition toward circular economy, in the more concrete context of ports in connection with cities and the hinterland, within the Delta environment. This action plan focuses on the first two years of the Platform (2021-2022), with the potential ambition to continue working for 4 to 5 years period (comparable to CityDeals processes).

This action plan is based on the five work-packages that were prioritized during the online webinars in April 2020 within the Circular (City) Ports explorative  research. Consequently, they have been further discussed via different bilateral talks from June to September 2020, with port authorities, international organisations and national instances in order to focus and sharpen the program. These redefined, action driven work-packages form the main pillars of the first two years of the Platform, but are not standalone
worklines. They are intertwined with each other and are flexible adapted according to the needs of the peers during the process.

The Draft Program was drawn up in consultation with:

  • Port of Amsterdam
  • Port of Brussels
  • North Sea Port
  • Port of Rotterdam
  • European Federation of Inland Ports(EFIP)
  • European Federation of Sea Ports (ESPO)
  • Association Internationale Villes Ports (AIVP)
  • Circular Flanders/OVAM
  • Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)

Source: AWB



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