Chapter 2.7 ‘Ports and the Circular Economy’ in Port Economics, Management and Policy
During the Fall 2023, Circular Flanders partnered with Theo Notteboom (Gent University/University of Antwerp/Antwerp Maritime Academy, Belgium), Athanasios Pallis (University of Piraeus, Greece), and Jean-Paul Rodrigue (Texas A&M University, Galveston, US) to focus on the potential and the role of ports in circular economy implementation and the impacts of the circular economy on seaport ecosystems. The outcomes have now been fully integrated as a new chapter in the freely accessible online version of the handbook Port Economics, Management and Policy.
Port Economics, Management and Policy provides a comprehensive analysis of the contemporary port industry, how ports are organized to serve the global economy and support regional and local development.
This handbook examines a wide range of seaport topics, covering maritime shipping and international trade, port terminals, port governance, port competition, port policy, and much more. It uses a conceptual background supported by extensive fieldwork and empirical observations, such as analyzing flows, ports, and strategies and policies articulating their dynamics. The port industry is comprehensively investigated in this unique compilation that is abundantly illustrated with figures, graphs, and maps.
The new Chapter 2.7 ‘Ports and the Circular Economy’ has been written for a wide audience ranging from students to practitioners and policymakers. The chapter will also feature in the second edition of the hard copy of the book, which is planned to be out at a later stage.