WRF 2019 – Ports in a Low-Carbon And Circular Economy

Year 2019 (February)

World Resources Forum 2019 – Exploring the Future of Ports in a Low-Carbon And Circular Economy

Ports are truly fascinating places where economic activity, logistics and services come together. Their century-old role in fostering welfare and trade now enters a completely new era, defined by climate change and the need for sustainable added value alongside new forms of logistics. It is no longer merely about the expansion of central hubs for global trade flows, ports are looking for new approaches vis-à-vis their hinterland, industrial clusters and their spatial conception. This new context, emerging from climate policies and the growing number of initiatives to close material loops, triggers a reflection on the future role of ports.

The role of ports is evolving, albeit slowly and differentiated around the world. Which opportunities and directions do we discern? How will the role of ports evolve in view of societal challenges such as the transition to a low-carbon, circular economy? How do ports facilitate, catalyse and gain from the implementation of low-carbon, circular strategies in globalized markets?

In this WRF global session, leading voices from ports around the world exchanged their views and explored the current and compelling challenges and opportunities for ports.

Source: WRF/OVAM

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World Resources Forum (WRF)