Spatial strategy Circular Zuid-Holland

Year 2022 (December)
Author(s) BVR, Ecorys
Commissioner Provincie Zuid-Holland (NL)

A spatial strategy is needed for the circular transition

The province of Zuid-Holland wants to be 100% circular by 2050. And by 2030, raw materials should be reduced by half. Of all the materials that flow through the Netherlands, about 30% come from Zuid-Holland. So there is a lot of work to be done.

The transition to a circular society has major implications for space. Space in Zuid-Holland is scarce. The transition will stagnate if there is no room for new circular businesses and no room to move functions.
It is therefore important to convert space in South Holland swiftly. Existing plans and projects can be used to realise the circular ambition; and circular thinking can help to realise other challenges. This does not happen overnight. And it requires effort and a spatial strategy is therefore essential.

This study provides a spatial strategy and tools to get started.
Three questions are central:

  • What are the spatial implications of the circular economy transition in Zuid-Holland?
  • How can we use the dynamics of spatial plans and projects in Zuid-Holland to become circular?
  • What is the spatial contribution of circularity to other transition tasks?

Source: Provincie Zuid-Holland (NL)


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