(Re)productive city – City and port are incubators of the circle economy

Year 2018
Author(s) International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam and Architecture Workroom Brussels for Delta Atelier

This animation video was made for the manifestation and exhibition You Are Here 2018 (as part of IABR-2018-The Missing Link) in Rotterdam (NL) and Brussels (BE). You Are Here 2018 built on previous manifestations such as IABR-2016-The Next EconomyIABR-Atelier Brussels-The Productive Metropolis and A Good City Has Industry! In this way, the theme of the “productive city” was put on the agenda and further developed. The transition to a circular economy is an opportunity to transform our cities and ports into circular and sustainable urban systems.



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Delta AtelierPort integrationPort regenerationRhine-Scheldt deltaTerritorial development