Post-fossil future of the Port of Antwerp

Year 2021 (April)
Author(s) Maxime Peeters (Port of Antwerp Bruges), Carmen Van Marcke, Bram van Ooijen, Malgorzata Maria Olchowska

Post-fossil future of the Port of Antwerp

After decades of warnings and debate, it is clear that we are at the start of the post-fossil era. The whole of society will have to become circular and climate neutral. This also applies to the port as a global hub for goods and energy flows and as a catalyst for the transition. But what does this mean? How can we get a grip on the various transitions and how does this revolution translate into new economies and relationships, but also into projects and spatial interventions?

This article was created as a result of the Port of Antwerp design studio at the Rotterdam Academie van Bouwkunst.


This article is originally from the magazine RUIMTE (nr. 49, 2021) Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ruimte en Planning (VRP)



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DecarbonizationEnergy transitionPort of Antwerp-Bruges