4th Strategic Plan for 2021-2025
The Port of Barcelona’s 4th Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 arises from the need to face up to the change in the scenario resulting from the 2008 crisis and accelerated by the Covid-19 crisis, among other factors. These years have witnessed rapid, intense and disruptive transformations that directly affect logistics and the Port of Barcelona. The Plan was prepared using a participatory process, mainly with internal resources and with the collaboration of the Port Community, end customers and public and private agents involved.
The Strategic Plan involves two different time horizons. The first is a short-term horizon, with a set of objectives and projects for the nearest period, 2021-2025. The second is a long-term vision, up to 2040, which outlines the most plausible future scenarios and indicates the lines of action necessary to guide the actions of the Logistics-Port Community and guarantee its competitive position in the most desired scenarios.
Source: Barcelona Port Authority