A relationship between port profiles and policies regarding the circular economy

Year 2016 (July)
Author(s) Susan Vermeulen (Erasmus School of Economics – Erasmus University Rotterdam)

A relationship between port profiles and policies regarding the circular economy

A policy study of a selection of ports in Hamburg – Le Havre range



This study shows that policy regarding the circular economy can be related to the port profile. The circular economy is a concept for a new kind of industrial economy, where products have a closed loop. The three R’s –reuse, reduce, recycle – are often used for an implementation of the circular economy. The environmental and policy plans for the future years have been investigated if ports have policy relating these concepts. Afterwards, this has been presented in a table and a comparison between ports could be made. It has shown that not all the policy decisions can be related to the port profile, however the most important one can be related. Furthermore, the study has shown that small ports with a high share in dry bulk must implement more new solutions than containerised ports.

Cite as: Vermeulen, S. (2016, July 20). A relationship between port profiles and policies regarding the circular economyBusiness Economics. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/34235



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