Linking companies to create a circular economy on a territorial scale
The industrial fabric® project was launched in 2014 in the Seine Estuary. To achieve this, the AURH has been inspired by the approach initiated and developed by the Flanders-Dunkirk Regional Planning and Development Agency (AGUR) since 2009. Industrial fabric® is a registered trademark of AGUR. In December 2016, the AURH published the first results of the analyses based on the industrial web®: The industrial ecosystem of the Seine Estuary.
Knowing your neighbours better is important to identify local resources, create synergies and launch or develop a circular economy or industrial ecology approach.
What happens here?
The industrial web of the Seine estuary offers a territorial and schematic vision of the relations between the companies of the territory and with the national and international markets to which they are connected. The relationships highlighted are the “material” links, the “logistical” links and the “contractual” links creating the necessary ground for the development of a circular economy on a territorial scale.
What are the ambitions? In 2016, AURH proposed a web portal giving its partners access to a dynamic tool for consulting and enriching the industrial web. The portal makes it possible to understand the economic organization of the territory (through the location of companies and existing or planned relationships between the Estuary’s industries as well as with external markets), design a foresight tool (to understand industrial change and simulate possible developments for the territory) and share a common culture (of the territory’s industrial ecosystem through a detailed knowledge of the Estuary’s industrial fabric). The web portal is accessible after registration reserved for those concerned from the address
Who is behind it?
The Urban Planning Agency of the Le Havre and Seine Estuary Region (AURH) is the prime contractor for the project. Its partners are the major seaports of Le Havre and Rouen, the Seine Estuaire Chamber of Commerce and Industry, economic development agencies, the association for the creation of a metropolitan centre in the Seine estuary and HAROPA.