Remanufacturing – Dordrecht

Job creationOrgwareSkilled workers

A place that gives a sustainable and circular image to the maritime top region

What’s happening? How does it happen?

Remanufacturing is an important circular opportunity to repair the material and capital intensive machines and motors, mostly related to the maritime sector in the region. The region houses leading companies in the maritime sector, with over 40.000 employees.

What is the relation with the port and water?

The region of the Drechtsteden is characterized by a maritime manufacturing idustry.

We offer a centre of expertise as a platform for raising awareness and exchanging knowledge, presenting new initiatives and providing space for experimentation. A place that gives a sustainable and circular image to the maritime top region.

What is the relation with the city?

This maritime industry is labour- and knowledge intensive. The city has thus all interest in attracting and nourturing these profiles, in order to tackle the braindrain beginning 2000s. Besides worktrajectories, this also includes providing housing and a healthy living environment.

What are the ambitions?

To spark innovation in remanufacturing. They want to put the region of Drechtsteden as top-innovative; therefore they need well skilled, educated people. This could counter the brain-drain in the region and provide jobs for the technical-skilled.

Who is behind it?

Drechtsteden has assigned multiple studies for circular opportunities in the maritime region. Cirkellab (see fiche Cirkelstad Drechtsteden), proposes a Centre of Expertise for remanufacturing as a vital step for consolidation and innovation in the maritime remanufacturing sector. Here, many expertises would come together: scientific knowledge from TuDelft; innovation from the Duurzaamheidsfabriek (see fiche), knowledge from the regional schools and practical experience from companies (Koninklijke Kemper en Van Twist en Bolier).


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