The Port Feeder Barge is intended to be deployed as a green logistic innovation within the Port of Hamburg
What’s happening? How does it happen?
The port Feeder Barge can be considered a green logistic innovation, in fact this boat typology will make the internal container logistics of the Port of Hamburg more efficient and at the same time significantly more climate-friendly. This means of transportation is an alternative through water, for the movements of the containers between the companies and the port, that usually are carried out by trucks. In this sense, this boat can act as a floating terminal, for the bigger cargo ships that are not able to enter in the port, and in the same time, it can work as vessels for the inland water ways, in order to substitute all transportation by trucks. The Port Feeder Barge concept is a self-propelled container pontoon equipped with its own container crane mounted on a high column.
What is the relation with the port and water?
The Feeder Berge can be considered a service port that goes through waterway, its main goal is to better the logistic inside the port and inside Hamburg, in a more environmentally friendly way.
What is the relation with the city?
Hamburg is a city with high level of air pollution, one of the future goal that city wants to reach is to work on air quality, the Port Feeder Barge is part of a more comprehensive strategy that the port authority and the City of Hamburg have planned in order to low the air pollution level also by lowing the trucks transportations and finding a more green mobility inside the port.
What are the ambitions?
Wind Feeder Barge is a new specialized vessel to carry the voluminous and heavy components for offshore windfarms from their production sites to the assembly port, especially on inland waterways and alongside the coast. This new vessel can start to make also easier and more ecofriendly and the pre-assembly process and the transportation of big parts for offshore constructions.