Spacializes in ship dismantiling and recuperation of the materials coming from these actions
What’s happening? How does it happen?
Galloo Ghent is recuperating ships from private and public companies along the canal. Furthermore from the process of recuperation we have as outcome secondary raw materials, which are after sold to private companies in order to use them is different projects. Galloo is a recycling company, which is located in Belgium, France and in the Netherlands. The Ghent organization is spacialized in ship dismantiling and recuperation of the materials coming from these actions. Freight trucks, coaches and other metal structures are also processed by Galloo in Gent. They are operating not only in the dismantling process, but also identifying and sorting valorisable flows in order to initiate the process of making raw materials again. Galloo has coined an industrial converting process to recycle scrap from consumer goods and factory scrap in an ecological way, by converting waste products into secondary raw materials.
Why is this an interesting circular initiative for ports?
The cluster interrelation and connection are leading to the constitution of a general strategy generating common aims and goals to reach throughout collaboration. In this sense the setting of common strategy is leading the cluster to a more efficient but also sustainable functioning in order to be part of a bigger chain of collaboration.
Galloo creates an uninterrupted recycling chain of scrap metal, ELVs, and other metals.
What is the relation with the port and water?
Every year an average of 40 ships are dismantled at the shipyard in the port of Ghent, accounting for around 30,000 tons of scrap. In this sense the Galloo company is recuparing one typology of waste of the port itself, and transforming it to secondary raw material, possibly used for other purpose.
What is the relation with the city?
Galloo company is also recuperating small trucks and metal materials from private households and commercial companies located in the city.
What are the ambitions?
The company is aiming for the future to reduce, as much as possible, the fraction of the waste to be dumped. Plus maximizing the valorisation of the incoming products and minimize potential nuisance to neighbouring properties. Reduce the consumption of energy, raw materials and consumables.
Watch this Galloo video
Behind the scenes at metal recycling company Galloo
James Hallworth – Commercial Manager Circular and Renewable Industry, Port of Amsterdam