Cleantech Cluster Region Ghent – North Sea Port

R&D FacilitiesStrenghtening of sectors

In search of renewable materials and energy resources to stimulate circular economy

What’s happening? How does it happen?

Cleantech, short for ‘clean technologies’, searches for ways to make use of technologies to better use our natural resources and minimalise the impact on the environment. All this combined with economical added value and environmental gains. The main aim is renewable materials and energy resources together with stimulating the switch from a linear to a circular economy.

Why is this an interesting circular initiative for ports?

Cleantech Cluster Region Ghent wants to connect economical, social and ecological considerations with clean technologies and therefore stimulate the switch from lineair to circular economies.

What is the relation with the port and water?

The region of Ghent has strong actors to make this transition, where the port plays of course an important role in order to enlarge collaboration with private companies and also to carry out the field research.

Doing business with attention to energy, materials, water and mobility.

What are the ambitions?

Cleantech Cluster Region Ghent wants to connect economical, social and ecological considerations with clean technologies and therefore stimulate the switch from lineair to circular economies. The region of Ghent has all the assets to be a world player in cleantech, resource recovery and circular economy: many materials in the region can be used differently (building materials, plastics, CO2, textile…); strong actors in the field (companies, knowledge institutes, public actors and civilians); ambition to handle the transitions…

Who is behind it?

Cleantech Cluster Region Ghent is initiated by the city of Ghent, North Sea Port, University of Ghent, Province East-Flanders, Development Agency East-Flanders and Clean Flanderes. Furthermore a research of the flows and value chains of building materials and plastics is done by VITO, with the aim to make new chains.


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