The biopark represents a new way of thinking to create agro-industrial sustainability
Big companies are situated in the port. To make sustainable growth possible, they needed a way to cluster. In that way, they can make Smart Links between themselves. Interrelationships between companies, municipalities and science have been made, chances are investigated and companies start to make the facilities or look for investors. By building new facilities such as greenhouses, bioplants, pipelines, they can benefit much more from the presence of eachother, which makes this platform an exemple case. Current projects work with waste streams, such as CO2 or biomass. The interrelations between the companies can be expended more, and it is therefore important that new companies keep connecting to the platform, to extend the potentialities…
This is a unique cluster on the scale of Netherlands and Europe.
What happens here?
Biopark Terneuzen is a initiative to find a unique and innovative solution to facilitate sustainable industrial growth. The biopark represents a new way of thinking to create agro-industrial sustainability. ‘Smart Links’ explores the synergies between companies in the same region. They seek for potentials of eachother waste streams and byproducts. Therefore, it is always a work in progress, where other companies or initiatives can link themselves on the platform. It follows the idea of clustering. Biopark Terneuzen is founding father of Bio Base Europe, together with Flanders Bio-Economy Valley.
What is the relation with the port?
Many important multinational companies are located in the port. It is evident that they can benefit from each others waste streams, since current projects prove to be valuable. Good opportunities can be found, just because of the combination of port-related functions and these industrial companies. But apart from these big companies, the important connection with the hinterland is present.
What is the relation with the city?
Rethinking the ‘Smart Links’ asks for skilled workforces. The story of Biopark and Bio Base Europe is only possible because of good education in technical schools and in training centers. Currently, ‘Smart Links’ connects only the different companies, but it is also possible to connect the cities to heat networks of companies in the future.
What are the ambitions?
Current projects are: WarmCO2, where the CO2 and heat of company Yara is used in the greenhouses; Cargill gives energy, steam, water and starch residu to Nedalco; biomass plant gives water to Heros recycling.; biomass from greenhouses is used to make energy… The aim is to create more jobs, attract new industrial activities, make profit for the companies and diminish the ecological impact.
Who is behind it?
The platform consists of companies, but also research institutes, platforms and municipalities. Zeeland Seaports is the initiator and program manager of the redevelopment of the canal area.