On November 2021, Flemish ministers Demir and Crevits officially launched the CE Monitor. It quickly became an example of accessible and open data communication by the government, sparking the attention of many international organizations working on the same topic. If you need insights into the status of circular economy in Flanders, the CE Monitor website is now the place to go!
The Circular Economy Policy Research Center (CE Center) has collected over 100 different key indicators related to circular economy in Flanders and Belgium, from a variety of sources. These indicators cover a wide range of topics including housing and construction, food and agriculture, consumer goods and mobility.
To conclude a five-year research project the Center wanted to unlock this information and make it easily accessible to the general public. They decided to build an online tool, the ‘Circular Economy Monitor Flanders’ (CE Monitor), with a heavy focus on clear data visualization.
It quickly became apparent that this was no minor challenge: the monitor, available in both Dutch and English, would cover a total of 116 indicators in 6 topics and 22 subtopics. Experts from many different government organizations and academic institutions would be involved to provide input and the most recent data. All of this would be supplemented by analysis reports, policy background and an overview of circular economy tools.
Image credit: CE Center/CE Monitor