The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) was founded in 1997 in Boston, USA. Its establishment followed the public outcry over the environmental damage caused by the Exxon Valdez oil spill, which occurred eight years prior. GRI’s roots trace back to non-profit organizations such as CERES and the Tellus Institute, with involvement from the UN Environment Programme. Initially focused on environmental conduct principles, GRI broadened its scope to include social, economic, and governance issues. The first version of what was then called the GRI Guidelines (G1) was published in 2000, providing the world’s first global framework for sustainability reporting. In 2001, GRI became an independent, non-profit institution. Over the years, GRI has continued to evolve, transitioning from guidelines to setting the GRI Standards for sustainability reporting in 2016. These standards are continually updated and expanded to empower sustainable decisions worldwide
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