Recycled marine litter turned into clothing

Marine litterRecycling

Marine litter is one of the main threats to our sea and ocean ecosystems. It is a global problem that, like climate change, knows no geographical or political boundaries and has ecological and socioeconomic impacts. About 8 million tones of waste enter our oceans each year, the majority of which ends up at the bottom of the ocean. About 80% of this trash comes from inland. Considering the origin, quantity, and typology of the waste dumped into the seas, the main cause lies in the current linear economic model, which generates a continuous accumulation of waste.  

The Ecoalf Foundation is a Spanish non-profit organization. The Foundation offers space for innovation in the circular economy, with a clear vocation for ocean preservation and a partnership-based methodology. Upcycling the Oceans is the main project of the Ecoalf Foundation, fighting against marine litter with the help of the fishing industry. An initiative with an international scope that was born in Spain in 2015 and since then has been implemented in Thailand, Greece, Italy, France and Egypt. In February 2025, 72 ports, over a 1000 boats and 4000 fishermen are participating in the project. About 290 ton of litter is recovered per year, making it over 1700 ton since the project’s start in 2015.  

Fishermen voluntarily collect the litter that ends up in their nets and deposit it of in dedicated bins in the ports. The collected waste is then sorted and recycled. Plastic waste (PET) is cleaned and recycled to pellets, that are used to create yarn for clothing, giving it a second life. Thereby the project is effectively closing the loop. 


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